
Fletro Pro v6.1 Original Premium Free Download

Welcome to the blog. Today, I have the opportunity to share the Fletro Pro v6.1 Premium Blogger Template with you

Fletro Pro v6.1 is a Premium Blogger template designed by Maki M, Jagodesain. It is famous for its level menu slider located directly under the header, which can only be done in WordPress or applications. However, now you can enable this horizontal slider on your Blogger website as well with the help of Fletro Pro v6.1.

This theme comes with one of the most amazing UI designs, SEO-friendly, Adsense-friendly, very responsive, horizontal menu slider, and fast stacking format.

Fletro Pro v6.1 includes many new elements and updated variations of Fletro Pro v6.0 that help make your Blogger website look more professional and SEO-friendly.

In this v6.1 adaptation, engineer Maki M has added some new elements and streamlined layouts for smooth execution noted below and fixed some bugs.

Fletro Pro is a Blogger template that looks very modern with rich highlights. This layout comes with an extraordinary plan and many valuable highlights.

These days all Blogger formats support Dark Mode and it's also very important to make it easier to use. Additionally, the Fletro Pro layout designer has added a built-in dim mode flip button where users can switch between dim and light modes.

If you are running a Tutorial site featuring coding, HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, you can use Syntax Highlighter to display unlimited code boxes to showcase your code making the Fletro Pro Blogger template also most suitable for instructional training sites.

Template Information

Template Name Fletro Pro
Version v6.1
Price 20$
Published on April 2021
Last updated on March 2022
Platform/CMS Blogger
Developer Jago Desain
Purchase Link Buy Now


Fletro Pro v6.1 is a highly advanced and responsive Premium Blogger theme, known for its menu slider located under the header. This Blogger template was created by Jagodesain.

I have provided a detailed explanation of all the features of the Fletro Pro v6.1 theme below. Please read the post until the end, and you can also download this premium theme for free.


  1. You don't need any coding knowledge to customize this theme,  It very easy to customize everything from layout section
  2. Mobile friendly, Responsive and Fast loading
  3. Horizontal menu slider
  4. Grid view and list view 
  5. Supports Dark mode
  6. AdSense friendly and User friendly 
  7. Ads slots
  8. Can customize everything easily from Layout

  1. Pertama-tama Login ke Dashboard Blogger
  2. Di Dasbor Blogger, Klik Themes.
  3. Klik ikon panah ke bawah tepat di sebelah tombol 'Customize
  4. Sekarang Klik Restore dan unggah file Template yang telah Anda Download tadi.
  5. Jika ada Kesalahan saat Memasang template, Pergi ke 'Edit HTML'
  6. Pilih semua kode yang sudah ada sebelumnya dan hapus.
  7. Sekarang buka file Template yang telah Anda Download.
  8. Pilih semua kode dan copy
  9. Sekarang paste kodenya di halaman Edit HTML
  10. Sekarang klik Simpan dengan mengklik ikon ini
Template dan file yang kami bagikan sudah tersedia di Internet, Kami tidak Memodifikasi atau Mengkloning Template apa pun. Silakan Beli Template Secara Legal, jika Anda memiliki uang dan mampu membelinya untuk mendapatkan pembaruan terbaru dan panduan penyesuaian, jadi silakan beli template ini melalui tautan yang diberikan di atas.

*Kami disini hanya berbagi template ini untuk tujuan belajar dan tidak mengambil untung, Kami tidak memegang hak atas template, file, dan gambar yang tersedia di blog ini. Jika Anda adalah pemilik template dan ingin menghapus file dari situs kami, silakan hubungi kami, kami akan menghapus file milik Anda dalam waktu 2-3 hari kerja.


Pada artikel ini, saya telah berbagi Fletro Pro v6.1 Premium blogger template free. Saya harap Anda menyukainya. Silakan bagikan dengan teman-teman Anda dan ikuti blog kami untuk mendapatkan info terbaru lainnya.

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